CS笔记 23.04.12

Unit4: CPU Architecture

Interrupts 中断信号:

  • signal to stop CPU to figure out what to do next
  • allow computer to multitasking 多任务 (不断的切换任务,模拟同时 )

紧急任务需要处理 interrupt signal , 如何判断紧急的程度 priority of interrupt

at the end of F-E cycle, checking if there is an interrupt signal .

  • checking the priority of process , if high enough
  • saving the register and process states into stack .
  • loading the address of ISR (interrupt service routine) into PC,
  • once the ISR is completed, resume the interrupted process and run it continually

RTN register transfer notation

MAR <--- [PC]  //the content of PC  is copied into MAR  by  address bus 
MDR <---- [[MAR]] //the content of conent  MAR   is copied into MDR  
CIR <---- [MDR] //the content of MDR  is copied into  CIR  
PC <-- [PC] + 1 //the content of PC  increments 

ACC accumulator 累加器

  • contained in ALU
  • to store result during calculation temporarily

IX index register

  • using indexed addressing
  • e.g. finding the address of a [2 ]

SR state register

  • showing the state of result after calcualtion
  • contain 4 flags : zero , negative, overflow, carry out

Von Neumann architecture (stored program concept)

  • CPU , memory , I/O device
  • instruction and data are stored into memory
  • the instruction can be feteched and executed
  • one after another automatically


  • arithmetic logic unit, do arithmetic operations,
  • Do logic operations
  • contain ACC register


  • Control Unit
  • decoding the instruction and sending control signal


  • immediate access store
  • a piece of memory in CPU to store
  • data and instruction to be executed temporarily
  • Main memory in CPU (Cache)


  • address bus : transfer address unidirectional
  • data bus : transfer data bidirectional
  • control bus : transfer control signal bidirectional

control signal 控制信号

  • read / write signal to memory
  • system clock 系统时钟

system clock

  • it is an electrical pulse signal to synchronize all the compements
  • in computer system and allow them work together
  • unit : Hz

two-pass assembler

one pass

  • reading one line of code at a time
  • allocate the memory for a line of code
  • ignoring unnecessary character like extra space , comments
  • checking if the opcode is valid according to instruction set
  • create / establish symbol table


  • reading the souce code line by line
  • translate the souce code into object code / executable file
  • saving or running the object code

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Source: github.com/k4yt3x/flowerhd